Sunday, April 5, 2009


Long after he retired, and even after he finally gave up his apartment and moved to a nursing home at age 96, my grandfather got up early and dressed in a shirt and tie just as he had when he was working. When asked why, he said "dressing for work" reminded him that he still had something important to accomplish every day.

And he did.

On the other hand, there's me--the renegade granddaughter who frequently doesn't shower and dress till noon. Why? Because I'm "only writing" and my pajamas are SO comfy. But lately I've started to think that maybe sitting around in my flannel pants and t-shirts might be giving my subconscious the idea that it's a day off. I can start writing at 8, or I can read the New York Times for hours and start at 11.

So for Day 2:

I will get up and dress like someone who considers her work a "real job"

...and I will go to bed at 10 p.m.


  1. Staying in pajamas for most of the day is a trap that's easy to fall into when you work at home. I do it all the time! One phone call leads to another and the next thing I know, it's 2:00.

    Having said that, when I get up, jump in the shower right away and get dressed, I am much more productive and I also feel a lot better about myself. Whether I'm thinking it consciously or not, I always feel like a slacker when I'm still in my bathrobe at noon :)

  2. Maybe you need a dog. When I worked freelance, I had to get up and take the dogs out in the morning. Granted it wasn't exactly work attire. Anyway, I like your grandfather's attitude - no doubt contributed to his long life.

  3. Lisa: Lately the "unconscious slacker" has gotten way too much control.
    Time to be fully conscious and working!

    leslee: I have two dogs, who like me, are trained to walk in the afternoon. In the a.m., they snuffle around the backyard while I work in my pajamas. Until today, that is! Now their ears are up and they're wondering what's going on.

  4. Getting up and getting dressed has never been a problem for when you look good, you feel good and are ready to start the day.

  5. Ummmm, it's now 13 minutes past noon and I'm still in my pjs...have been working away on revisions, though! For four hours, in fact. Love the story of your grandpa.... K.

  6. I'm coming down there to look thru the window and see if you are really dressed. :D You are right tho, my days off slip away from me probably for that very reason, i don't get dressed to afternoon and think i'm on vaca. just one more cup of coffee..

  7. k: Whatever works! Sounds like a fabulous writing day.

    r: I even had my Michelle Obama necklace on! My characters were so impressed...

  8. I am so guilty of working in my PJs till noon. When my kids were in school and needed scooted off to the bus stop, I had to motivate and get dressed so that I wasn't becoming my mom driving to school with a coat over her nightgown. Now that they're on their own, I loll on the sofa every morning, dogs laying on my feet, with laptop in lap.

    I think you're on to something about dressing early for the day. I actually have no trouble writing fiction in my PJs, but I find the transition from fiction author to home business entrepreneur difficult. I know I am more productive with my business when I move from laptop to desktop, even though it's only a few steps across the room

    Keep the disciplines coming, Patry.

  9. Carolyn: Lolling at the sofa with dogs at your feet. That made me smile--reminded me very much of my mornings, though I include a couple of cats in my circle, too. In any case, the comfort of pajamas may very well turn out to be conducive to fiction (dressing the subconscious for a dream state?) My subconscious, however, was getting a little too dreamy.

  10. I'm nervous about this no pajamas stuff, but I'm with you on everything else. :)

  11. Carleen: What would the pajama gardener be without her pj? Don't mess with success, I say.

  12. It's 7:14am on a Saturday morning. I have showered, am dressed, and a load of laundry is in.
    I am not going to the studio until this afternoon, after I see my sister to finish the work on my Dad's estate. If I stay in my pj's, I feel like a slug. Yesterday I didn't get to the studio until 11AM and even though I'd done plenty here, I couldn't do any creative work on my tiles. It felt like the day was half gone.

  13. Oh, this is so hard for me. It's hard even getting up. I hope I can do this.
